Aviation > Aircraft Recovery Training

Equipping airports and airlines to succeed and enhance first responder capabilities

Our Specialist Aircraft Recovery Training Service

Structurus provides services for airports, airlines and military air forces that enable them to assess their level of preparedness for all types of aircraft recovery incidents. 

As aircraft recovery specialists, we provide access to internationally recognised training facilities around the world in addition to clients’ airports. We provide aircraft recovery training services to both large commercial airline and airport customers and to military air force customers in Europe, the Middle East and CIS countries.

We organise specialised courses for fire and rescue personnel and airport operational staff including courses such as incident management training programmes to help clients maintain and deliver emergency response plans with a focus on aircraft recovery. We also train management and senior personnel on incident management and on aircraft recovery awareness, so clients can manage incidents effectively. 

Our courses are prepared according to the Aircraft Recovery Manuals of the relevant aircraft. We present a comprehensive range of training courses that are tailored to each client’s individual requirements. Our theory and practical courses ensure a thorough understanding of the recovery equipment and its effective use, they are generally categorised into: 

Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training Course 

The 3-Day Aircraft Recovery Training Course includes 1 day of theory training and 2 days of practical training consisting of an aircraft lift on air bags, aircraft de-bogging (towing) and an aircraft fuselage lift. This course is recommended for aircraft recovery teams and fire crews.

Theoretical modules cover introduction to DAR, aircraft recovery planning, recovery methodology, recovery project management overview, recovery GSE, and planning for practical exercises.

Practical exercises cover soft ground extraction using de-bogging equipment, sling lift, NLG collapse and airbag lift, course debrief and certificate presentation. 

All students will be evaluated based on participation and performance. A completion certificate will only be issued if the instructor is satisfied that the student has participated sufficiently and understands the course information.

Aircraft Recovery Awareness Course

The 2-Day Aircraft Recovery Equipment Awareness Course includes health and safety, with both theory and practical training on recovering an aircraft, each taking a full day. This course was specifically developed for insurance assessors and aircraft engineers. 

Special Recovery Training Courses

Special Recovery Training Courses

We provide bespoke training courses that meet the client’s requirements such as aircraft recovery in extreme climate conditions or from different types of terrain, as well as the specific training protocols. These include our specially designed IMS and ICS courses with a focus on aircraft recovery: 

Incident Management System Training Program (IMS)

The Incident Management System (IMS) training program is a five-day intensive training course designed to train airport staff in managing challenging situations that could be encountered at the airport. The course has a very distinct emphasis on aircraft recovery. Training is conducted by delivering two and half intense days of interactive theory followed by two days of tabletop exercises that challenge the Incident Commander (IC) in making quick accurate decisions, building an organization that fits the size and complexity of the incident and gain the ability to apply the IMS model at aircraft recovery and other types of incidents.

The training also incorporates home study assignments, group exercises in class, open discussions, comprehensive debriefing upon completion of the tabletop exercise and a 20 question test on which the candidates must achieve a minimum passing grade of 70%.

Intended Audience includes any airport staff that functions within the Emergency Operation Center (EOC), staff that are expected to take command of emergencies, staff that have defined roles within the incident management system and the EOC, and those that are in charge of aircraft recovery operations.

Subjects covered include: ICS in general, assumption, confirmation and position of command; situation evaluation; communications; deployment management; strategy and incident action planning; organisation; review evaluation and revision; continue, transfer and terminate command; and post incident actions.

The training program is delivered in accordance with ICAO and other international standards.

Incident Command System Training Program (ICS)

The Incident Command System (ICS) training program is a three-day intensive training course designed to train airport staff in taking command of small to medium size incidents that could be encountered at the airport. This level of training is designed to teach the on-scene commander how to command such incidents. The course has a very distinct emphasis on aircraft recovery. Training is conducted by delivering one and half intense days of interactive theory followed by one day of tabletop exercises that challenges the Incident Commander (IC) in making quick accurate decisions, fitting in within a more complex organisation and gaining the ability to apply the ICS model at aircraft recovery and other types of incidents.

The training course also incorporates home study assignments, group exercises in class, open discussions, comprehensive debriefing upon completion of the tabletop exercise and a 20-question test in which the candidates must achieve a minimum passing grade of 70%.

Intended Audience are any airport staff that are required to act as an incident commander at incident scenes, staff that have defined roles within the incident command or management system, and those that are in charge of aircraft recovery operations.

Subjects covered include: ICS in general; assumption, confirmation and position of command; situation evaluation; communications; deployment management; strategy and incident action planning; building a basic organisation; review evaluation and revision; continue, transfer and terminate command; and components of post-incident actions.

The training program will be delivered in accordance with ICAO and other international standards

In addition to the above training courses, our ARX software is an excellent tool for airports and airlines to enhance their aircraft recovery awareness, try it here for free.


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