
Read the latest news about fire training, fire protection in Oil & Gas industry, aircraft recovery and VR design and training technologies, our case studies and news from our company below

Date : Jun 17,2024 Category : Global news

On June 13th, 2024, a fire erupted at an oil refinery in Iraqi Kurdistan. The blaze raged for nearly 20 hours before firefighters finally contained it.

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Date : Jun 10,2024 Category : company news

Aircraft emergencies require split-second decisions and a deep understanding of flashover risks. Structurus offers the answer with innovative ARFF simulators.

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Date : Jun 02,2024 Category : company news

We're thrilled to announce that Structurus has achieved ISO certification in Simulation Systems! This prestigious accreditation signifies our unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional quality and cutting-edge technology within the simulation industry.

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Date : Apr 16,2024 Category : case studies

Firefighter education and training have undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, evolving from traditional drills to cutting-edge VR simulations. This evolution reflects a profound shift in how firefighters prepare for the challenges they face in the field.

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Date : Jan 29,2024 Category : company news

In the fast-evolving landscape of firefighting training, Strucuturus emerges as a game-changer with its STRX training software, offering immersive and advanced solutions for firefighters. While the adoption of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) in knowledge-work offices might be a topic of debate, its application in specialized training, especially for firefighters, is proving to be invaluable.

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